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Re: pine & japanese

>> As for the quality of the patch, the ja version seems
>> indistinguishable from the non-ja one, except that it seems to do a
>> reasonable job with handling Japanese.

I looked through the patch. Some of it fixes stuff the mutt crew haven't
addressed yet, e.g. in configure it changes:

ALL_LINGUAS="de ru it es uk fr pl nl cs id sk ko el zh_TW.Big5 pt_BR eo gl sv da"


ALL_LINGUAS="de ru it es uk fr pl nl cs id sk ko el zh_TW.Big5 pt_BR eo gl sv da jp"


Most of the rest of it seems to be a straight localization. Now if we
could get the mutt team to strip out all the English messages and
replace them with calls to a glossary plug-in, we'd have made a small
step for mankind.

>> > Trying to attach an EUC document, for example, results in a mess.
>> A quick and very unscientific test e-mail seems to confirm that
>> sending an EUC-encoded document works fine for me.


>> (Oh, and while I've got you here, thanks for all the work you've done
>> with edict; I can't even begin to count the number of times that
>> having that resource out there has absolutely saved me and my lousy
>> vocabulary)

Aw shucks.

Jim Breen  []
Visiting Professor, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of 
Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
+81 3 5974 3880         [$B%8%`!&%V%j!<%s(B@$BEl5~30Bg(B]

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