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Re: pine & japanese

(Shimpei said):
> >> Well, the copy of mutt-jp (1.0.1i-jp) I'm currently using does
> >> put "charset=iso-2022-jp" in the headers when I send out mail in
> >> Japanese, so at least that problem seems to be solved, assuming
> >> that the whole -jp concept isn't too hackish for you to begin
> >> with. If you don't use any language besides English and
> >> Japanese, it's fine. I don't know about other languages.
(Jim answered):
> The trouble is that the mutt I'd use at Monash is on a Solaris box
> and about 50 people use mutt from it. I wouldn't get too far making
> the sysadmin install a much older version (we have 1.1.9i
> installed) in a special-language hack.

Hmmm, let's see...

< ~> mutt -v
Mutt 1.2.4i-jp0 (2000-07-07)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

So, at least you wouldn't have to talk anyone into downgrading. I
built this version several months ago; there may even be an updated
jp-patch available. 

As for the quality of the patch, the ja version seems
indistinguishable from the non-ja one, except that it seems to do a
reasonable job with handling Japanese.

Of course, like Shimpei, I'm only using Japanese and English, so I
can only vouch for those langauges.

> Trying to attach an EUC document, for example, results in a mess.

A quick and very unscientific test e-mail seems to confirm that
sending an EUC-encoded document works fine for me.

(Oh, and while I've got you here, thanks for all the work you've done
with edict; I can't even begin to count the number of times that
having that resource out there has absolutely saved me and my lousy


                        ~   But time went really slowly and simply wouldn't
                        ~   pass. Time doesn't move at all, I thought in
                        ~   irritation. Like a domestic animal, time doesn't
john seebach            ~   move without human beings' strict supervision.   ~   Like a horse or a sheep, time won't move a step
                        ~   without grown-ups' orders. We are a steady state
                        ~   in the stagnation of time.
                        ~   --Oe Kenzaburo, _Nip_the_Buds,_Shoot_the_Kids_

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