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add a word to the Canna dictionaries (was: WXG Input method. q about canna)

David Eduardo Gomez Noguera <> writes:


> is there documentation on the canna on how to customize the dictionaries?
> i really wan to do it.

Similar as I explained in my previous mail, when using kinput2, hit
the "home" key after going into Japanese mode, select $B!V#3It

These pdf files are in Japanese. They are also available in PostScript
somewhere, but I don't know where to download the PostScript version.
I can send you the PostScript versions by private mail, if it is easier
for you to read a Japanese PostScript document than a Japanese pdf

> And if i add entries, should i report them to somebody as a sor of
> patch or something?

I have no idea.

Mike Fabian   <>

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