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Re: gcc upgrade

Viktor Pavlenko <> writes in

>>>>>> On Wed, 31 Jan 2001 09:49:08 +0800, Jake Morrison <> said:
JM> Uvator,
JM> You might want to keep egcs 1.1.2 around for compiling the kernel.
JM> As I understand it, egcs 1.1.1 is the "official" compiler for
JM> the kernel, though 2.95.2 is supposed to work for most people.

If you're going to be playing around with glibc 2.2+ (highly
recommended), use gcc

> I removed it already (5 seconds after I got Scott's reply:) but I
> suppose I can always install it again if something goes wrong.

You can conveniently keep multiple versions of gcc around with a
little bit of hacking.  You must compile each version with the same
architecture (eg. `i686-pc-linux') and keep only the /usr/bin/gcc
from the most recent version (or your favorite version).  Then you
can call other versions by using the -V parameter to gcc.

$ ls /usr/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-pc-linux/
2.95.2  2.96  2.97  egcs-2.91.66
$ gcc -Vegcs-2.91.66 /tmp/p.c -o /tmp/p

The RPMs I've seen for gcc (including ours) install it stupidly so you
can't do this, but it's easy enough to adjust the SRPM to eliminate
/usr/bin/gcc, etc. in older versions.

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