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Re: at command

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Yong-Ming P.Hua wrote:

> Hi,
>     It is Yong-Ming asking for help about 'at' command.
> As far as I know, I have been able to use 'at' command all right in a form like
> below,
>    at 5am 1 July -f  /root/systemdownscript(my script with x mode).
> But I want to use 'at' command regularly on a specific day. I checked man.
> Doesn't seem to have any comment on the use of week of the day, like
>   at 5am Sunday ...
> Is the syntax all right? If not, give me the right one please? Sorry this is a
> thing I have gotta check by myself. But somehow I have an error message coming
> back every time I do it.

um, for recurring tasks, you use cron.  put the entry in your crontab.
try "man 5 crontab" and "man cron".

remember, at is for once, cron is for many.  Now go read your manpages,
and make me a fried eel sandwich.

hey wait, that didn't rhyme like I wanted it to... still, my desire for
unagi remains.  and here it is 1am and me with no way to get any.  bah.

Scott M. Stone, CCNA <>
UNIX Systems and Network Engineer
Taos - The SysAdmin Company 

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