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Re: problems with samba


I assume that the Windows machines can access yours if they specify
the path explicitly, they just don't see it in the Network Neighborhood.

As I understand it, the browsing function in the SMB protocol 
only works on the same subnet. So if your machine is on another
subnet, you will need to set up a WINS server. That's what nmbd does,
if you turn it on. 

Here are the settings for our local Samba machine that serves as 
the master WINS server:

    workgroup = ASIA
    netbios name = CALVIN
    server string = (%v, %h)
    encrypt passwords = Yes
    password level = 9
    debug level = 2
    log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
    keepalive = 30
    load printers = No
    os level = 65
    lm announce = True
    preferred master = Yes
    domain master = Yes
    wins support = Yes
    config file = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
    lock directory = /var/tmp/samba
    hosts allow = 129.179.
    strict locking = Yes


Hector Akamine wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to run samba from my pc (2.0.5aJP2 ? the one that comes with
> vine 2.0), but I can't make my PC appear in Windows' network
> neighborhood's list
> Checking with ps, both smbd -D  and  nmbd -D are running. I restarted
> the daemons many times, even rebooted my linux and windows PCs, but not
> good results yet.
> Any clues?
> I'm including my smb.conf file in case it can help to help me (it's
> almost the same as the original smb.conf) (I just changed the name of my
> workgroup with "WORKGROUPNAME")
> Thanks in advance
> Hector
> ---------- smb.conf  start ------------
> [global]
>         coding system = euc
>         client code page = 932
>         workgroup = WORKGROUPNAME
>         server string = Samba %v
>         encrypt passwords = Yes
>         map to guest = Bad User
>         socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>         dns proxy = No
>         guest account = smbguest
>         os level = 1
> ;[homes]
> ;       comment = %U's Home directory
> ;       read only = No
> ;       browseable = No
> [printers]
>         comment = All Printers
>         path = /var/spool/samba
>         print ok = Yes
>         browseable = No
> # Examples about other export
> ;[private]
> ;       comment = Private space ; one can write one's own files.
> ;        path = /home/samba/private
> ;        read only = no
> ;[public]
> ;       comment = Public space; anyone can write any files.
> ;        path = /home/samba/public
> ;        guest ok = yes
> ;        read only = no
> ;        force group = public
> ;        force create mode = 0664
> ;        force directory mode = 0775
> [public]
>         comment = Public stuff
>         path = /export/ide1p1
>         public = yes
>         writable = yes
>         printable = no
> ;[tmp]
> ;       comment = Read only file space
> ;       path = /tmp
> ;       guest ok = Yes
> --------- smb.conf end --------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Next Nomikai (and Bonenkai!): December 15 (Fri)
> Next Technical Meeting: January, 2001
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