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Re: problems with samba

On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 01:11:40PM +0900, Hector Akamine wrote:

> I'm trying to run samba from my pc (2.0.5aJP2 ? the one that comes with
> vine 2.0), but I can't make my PC appear in Windows' network
> neighborhood's list

Are you attempting to run the server at shared or at user level
security?  You should review the sections on the differences
between the two -- in the latter case, you'll need to decide
on a means of swapping authorization info between Samba and
the Windows systems before things will work.

Also, read through what the docs have to say about Domain Master
status and its effects.

Your problem may lie elsewhere, but pending what other people
have to say, this would be one starting place.  Have patience;
there are loads of loose ends that need to be tied up anywhere
Samba gets installed.

Frank Bennett

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