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Re: Metallic DSL in Tokyo

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Jonathan Byrne wrote:

> Is it also NATted?  That's typically the case, with only your DSL
> router having a global IP, so you'll have to do some tricks on it
> (if it lets you) to make NATted machines on the inside be reachable
> from the outside.  

Apparently they used to be NATted (private IP) but now they are not
(global IP) -- the press release is

> > Also, anyone know how easy it is to use it with unix?  Will I have to
> > pretend I'm using Windows to get them to install it?  :-)
> It shouldn't matter.  It's all connected together by Ethernet.

That's fine unless they are using PPP over ethernet, which I've heard can
be a nightmare.
Tod McQuillin

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