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Re: Open Source

On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 07:29:48PM +0900, Jonathan Shore wrote:
> I should have mentioned, the other problem was that there was no single
> manager.  Each region had its own and frankly each region had its own
> priorities.  To me this is very characteristic of the management of many
> open source projects.

Hmm, let's see:
    Linux     - nope, single manager: Linus
    Perl      - nope, single mangaer: Jarkko
    fetchmail - nope, single manager: ESR
    BIND      - nope, single manager: Paul Vixie
    Python    - nope, single manager: Guido
    gs        - nope, single manager: Raph
    GIMP      - nope, single manager: Manish Singh
    PHP       - nope, single manager: Rasmus
    XEmacs    - nope, single manager: (Who is it this week, Vin Shelton?)

Go and read Homesteading the Noosphere again, there's a good chap.

<Twofish> Pokemon seems an evil concept. Kid hunts animals, and takes
them from the wild into captivity, where he trains them to fight, and
then fights them to the death against other people's pokemon. Doesn't
this remind you of say, cock fighting?

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