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Re: Linux/Mozilla related Short-Term Contract

On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 05:32:04PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>     Jonathan> I can't wait for the respective open-source projects to
>     Jonathan> provide exactly what I need,
> I don't think anybody, not even wileyc or rms, contests that.

Of course not.  One of my constant themes is "if you don't like what the
app does, you have the source -- make it do what you want".

>     Jonathan> nor am I requesting that the proposed work be folded
>     Jonathan> back into any public distribution.
> But all of us would have to take issue with this statement.

I was trying to avoid this one, but, hell ...

... if you make use of preexisting source to build your newfangled app, you
have a _responsibility_ to do the following:

* make your changes to the source in such a manner that it does not break
  other functionality (Japanization patch writers, I'm talking about _you_),
* submit the changes to the maintainer of the original source tree.

Anything less is parasitic.

> I thought that was a bid.  Eh, Chris?  If he does (1), (2), and (3),
> and you can subcontract the distasteful parts (ie, building---bletch---
> RPMs), what would you say.  ;-)

*laugh* I'd say "you couldn't afford me".  I'd also say "I don't find the
project sufficiently interesting to devote what little personal time I have
to it".

-- Chris

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