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Re: tlug: Partitioning sizes

What are you using the box for?

If I'm working on a Personal Box. (Its mine, Its NOT serving anything
except maybe to other boxes that are mine, I'm not implementing any
serious backup strategy or storing data that will mean committing
seppuku if its gets wiped)

I do swap 2-3xram
Everything Else / and just do subdirectories.
(Or I leave room on the HD for FreeBSD or windowsGames or experimentation...

Unless you see ar eason for personal use its easier to put everything
in one place.

Otherwise ESPECIALLY as a beginner, do you like opt or usr/local, or
everything in bin?  Will you be building you own stuff or using RPMs
exclusively, and where will they want things?  Do you plan on storing images?
in $HOME?  in /usr/local/images? in /opt/images? in /home/images?

If you are doing a first install play with it, I'd do everything in one
place and see how YOU are using the box.  Then if you need partitions
you contact someone with a Backup Device and borrow, back up, set up a
new partition format and resotre.

If you are trying to build a server than its a different story, but
partition sizes are VERY dipendant on local configuration and usage.
And for a personal box, with ONE drive and varios partitions the
likelyhood of a partition getting wiped by mistake, while everythign
else is fine, is um, sorta low.

Multiple drives again different issues.


Dave Gutteridge did state upon Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 10:31:32AM +0900:
> I'm finally going to set up my own Linux Machine, seperate from the machine
> that i've been using so far from my office. As i'm sure everyone always
> does with every new task, I'm telling mysefl "This time i'm going to do it
> really, REALLY right!" 
> Anyways, i've hit my first little snag. (well, second after the CD-ROM
> problem mentioned in another post):
> The Red Hat 5.2 Manual says i should partition thusly:
> 64MB swap
> 16MB /boot
> 256MB /
> 512MB /usr 
> 512MB /home
> 256MB /var
> (One note of confusion - the manual says that I should make the / partition
> as big as possible, and then on the very next line it says the / partition
> should be 256MB. I think there was some kind of editing mistake, and I
> wonder if there's some other partition which should be 256MB)
> This equals 1616MB of space. My hard drive is only 1.2. I can't really
> afford to upgrade, so the question is, where should i skimp? 
> What differs from the last time when I set up the machine at work is that
> I'm I'm going to be the only user of this new system, so i'm suspecting i
> can reduce /home or /usr, but i'm not sure which of the two should be given
> priority.
> Also, since a big part of this machine's purpose is to do mail services
> (albeit only for me at this point), should I increase /var?
> Just in case it will affect the answers - the machine is for web pages (no
> streaming audio or video but multiple domain names), FTP (no anonymous) and
> mail (me with multiple accounts and one mailing list) only.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Next Technical Meeting: February 13 (Sat), 12:30 place: Temple Univ.
> ** presentation: XEmacs, by Steven Baur and Martin Buchholz
> Next Nomikai: March 19 (Fri), 19:30   Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

Today is Thursday,
actually I think yesterday was thursday.
Wait a minute, the day before that was thursday also!!
I never could get the hang of Thursdays!     ||
Next Technical Meeting: February 13 (Sat), 12:30 place: Temple Univ.
** presentation: XEmacs, by Steven Baur and Martin Buchholz
Next Nomikai: March 19 (Fri), 19:30   Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

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