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Re: tlug: perl daemons keeping me up past my bed time....

>>>>> "Frank" == Frank Bennett <> writes:

    Frank> I take that back.  It DOES work.  I was having buffering
    Frank> problems because I didn't know what I was doing; I had
    Frank> three separate processes trying to write to the screen
    Frank> (fifo, tar vcfz and tar vtfz).

    Frank> Here's a test that will actually work:

    Frank> [ bennett]$ mkfifo WOW.tar.gz [
    Frank> bennett]$ tar cfz WOW.tar.gz .gimp & [
    Frank> bennett]$ tar vtfz WOW.tar.gz

    Frank> Essentially the same thing you were trying to do before,
    Frank> but via the shell instead of Perl.

After much reading about process groups, forking, daemons etc, I
finally got it to work. It turns out that after forking to become a
daemon, I was not closing STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR. Once I did that,
the script works fine in back quotes.

Its only 145 line, so if anyone wants it I can post it or send it

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