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Re: tlug: telnet LINEMODE

On Fri, Oct 23, 1998 at 05:20:02PM +0000, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
> 	Here's an example (with which i sincerely want help with). I'm telneting
> to my Linux server, and i want to toggle it so that the computer waits
> until i've hit the return key before sending the string over the net,
> instead of sending every character one by one as i type to my machine -

I believe this is called LINEMODE and is usually negotiated during the
initial connection depending upon the options available on both the telnetd
server and your telnet client.  ('man telnet' then '/LINEMODE') With the
standard Linux telnet client you can do 'mode line' at the telnet> prompt
(which you get to by typing your telnet escape character, typically Ctrl-[)
to try to switch to this mode (or the old line-by-line mode if LINEMODE
isn't available).

I've used the old line-by-line mode (which doesn't hand off control of the
special characters to the remote host, and so involves even less back-and-
forth-communications) on VHF amateur radio links which can be relatively
slow and have a very high packet generation overhead.

> a term in mind which i could type "man ____" with.. Assuming I didn't want
> to just come bug you guys but find out for myself with just me and my
> machine, where and how would i ask this question?

'man -k telnet' will suggest man pages to read.

Jim Tittsler, Tokyo   ICQ: 5981586

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