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tlug: how not to upgrade

Through my own stupidity, I managed get my TL2.0j system into a
state where both emacs and xemacs don't run. When I start them up, I
get a message that says:

emacs: `getwd` failed:

This all started because I want to update to the latest gimp, which
was not available under TL2.0j. I used xpkgupdate to grab the updates
from the English system. I didn't realize until it was too late that I
had hit "install all" instead of "install selected".

As far as I can tell, there isn't an install history is kept by
xpkgupdate or rpm. A look at ls -lrt /lib and /usr/X11/lib didn't
reveal anything other than svga libs that were updated.

At least gimp works :)

Any idea of how to figure out what I hosed?

Oh yes, xpkgupdate also managed to wipe itself out. Hmmm.

Upgrading the kernel to 2.0.35 wiped out /lib/modules/2.0.33/pcmcia as
well. Not sure why that would have happened.



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