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Re: JB's NJWIN note (was: Re: tlug: Netscape and RH5.0)

On Aug 27,  3:59pm, "Eric S. Standlee" wrote:
} Subject: Re: JB's NJWIN note (was: Re: tlug: Netscape and RH5.0)
>> Is there no similar program on the Linux side?  It seems that it cannot be
>> that hard to do what NJWIN does:  trap two-bit languages and translate
>> them on the fly for both the windows manager and the printer...

AFAIK NJWIN works by interposing itself between the app and the "standard"
calls to the Whinedoze display manager. It is able to do this because
there is *no* protection mechanism, so NJWIN masquerades as the manager,
and changes the contents of messages selectively from ornery text to
bit-maps. This is rather harder in U**x in that this software is not so
easily masqueraded, and not as tightly defined.

Also, the demand is not really there. I got Netscape on my Solaris at
Monash displaying both JIS208 and JIS212 with almost no effort. Sure it
only shows mojibake on the title bar and button-tops, but I can live with

In many ways, the demand for NJWIN is fading. You can now get a free TTF
like MSGothic, install it and Netscape is showing rather nice scaled
Japanese au naturel. And best of all, it doesn't mangle the diacritics in
French and German the way NJWIN does.



Jim Breen        School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Email:                Monash University     Clayton VIC 3168 Australia
P: +61 3 9905 3298 F: 9905 3574  $@%8%`!&%V%j!<%s(J@$@%b%J%7%eBg3X(J
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