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Re: MagicPoint [was: tlug: Draft of June 13 TLUG ... ]

Hi all,

On 27-May-98 Rex Walters wrote:
> What I'd really want is:
>     o Run completely full screen without scroll bars (probably
>       no way to avoid requiring authors to design for a given
>       screen size, alas)

Since you don't know a users screen size in advance I don't think
there's a JavaScript magic bullet for this - especially if you're
using fvwm2 with it's funky desktop that's bigger than the
screen. But when you're designing the presentation to run only
on your own screen...
>     o map keystrokes & mouseclicks to "next page/prev page"
>       type actions.

Once the new window opens you can use the standard HTML
links/buttons/etc to navigate through the new pages
>     o Embed "live" X clients like mgp (that Xeyes demo is just
>       too cool).

I wish Linux Mozilla supported sound in Java apps, macromedia
files and a host of other plugins that make web-based multi-media
a *reality* for people with enough bandwidth and <cough_gasp>one
of those other OSs.</cough_gasp> Anyone ever get xanim to work
as a Netscrape plug-in?

>    (We can always hope that Joe Hacker will come up with a
>     solution for the third bullet, now that Mozilla source is
>     available.  :-)



Jim S.
Next TLUG Meeting: 13 June Sat, Tokyo Station Yaesu gate 12:30
Featuring Stone and Turnbull on .rpm and .deb packages
Next Nomikai: (?) July, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
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