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ange-ftp in Emacs [was Re: tlug: statistics first try

From: Manuel Chakravarty <>
Subject: Re: tlug: statistics first try
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 17:27:43 +0900

chak> Its part of any descent Emacs distribution.  Just try to
chak> load a file (C-x C-f) and then use as a file name something
chak> like
chak>   /<username>@<machine-name>:<local path>
chak> and it should ask you for a password on this machine for the 
chak> given user and go off and get the file.  Note that if the
chak> file is a directory you will get into dired-mode as usual -- 
chak> very convenient.

Wow, I never knew this.  This is why I love TLUG.  This is great.
Thank you.  Feed me more great jewels of information like this any 

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