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RE: tlug: Raffle and T-Shirt

On Fri, 12 Dec 1997, Jim Schweizer wrote:

> On 12-Dec-97 Craig Oda wrote:
> >I would like to solicit opinions to see if TLUG should sell
> >more than one ticket (line in ASCII file) per person.  My
> >opinion is that this is okay, since all the money is being
> >donated to TLUG.  However, I'm interested in other opinions.
> I think it's okay for someone to buy as many tickets as he/she wants, but I
> think it may be appropriate to say one working Sparc per person.

Good point!  I didn't think about that. 


PGP public key: 

TLUG Meeting Dec. 13, 12:30 at Tokyo station Yaesu Chuo ticket gate
13:30 Starbuck's coffee.  13:45 HSBC | info:
At least 3 functional Sparc IPC machines will be raffled out
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