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Re: HotJava

By the way, someone asked if HotJava is still in use.  I've been too
busy teaching and kissing ass^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hgetting promoted and
writing grant proposals to mess around with our WWW Project lately
(not to be confused with Yaseppochi-Gumi, this is the Institute's
Official Monbusho-Funded WWW Project with decoder ring), but the
undergrads seem to be using it and busily updating it, according to
recent www-pro traffic.  There was some traffic about problems running 

It's all in Japanese, so I'm not sure that's what they're saying.
(Too busy to translate it carefully ;-)  Maybe they're saying it's a
worm and they can't get rid of it.

Speaking of worms, I nabbed the nihongo version of the New Hacker's
Dictionary the other day.  Pretty cool, they even provide subtitles
for the Crunchly cartoons.

                            Stephen J. Turnbull
Institute of Socio-Economic Planning                         Yaseppochi-Gumi
University of Tsukuba            
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305 JAPAN       

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