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[tlug] Skype Pulse Audio Fixed

Back on 15 AUG, I wrote to complain that the most recent upgrade (sic) to Skype had killed my headset because PulseAudio was suddenly required and no workaround was possible. Well, it is fixed ... and I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA which thing I did fixed it.

I started out by installing and updating pavucontrol and found that almost none of my devices were listed.

After visiting several dozen "help" websites which turned out to cover very old versions of PA and Debian, I stumbled across:

Which introduced me to "pacmd," "# pacmd dump," and "udevadm" I never had to get to the part where you assign specific hardware to specific device positions. All hardware suddenly appeared in pavucontrol and I was able to configure regular output to my desktop speakers and my headset / mic to Skype.

The only downside I have found at present is that I have to use the "Mute" switch on the headset mic to prevent my PC registering sounds.

So, not knowing where I was, I went somewhere else on my hard drive, and returned with the things I went to get. I think I better go buy some lottery tickets before the effect wears off.


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