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Re: [tlug] Smart phone vs Tablet (and SD cards)

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 8:14 PM, Darren Cook <> wrote:
>> The closest I came up with is a USB OTG->USB->64GB USB flash memory
>> (or SD card reader), but I prefer not to have anything sticking out...
> Didn't think that was allowed by Google.
>> (iff I remember to bring the cable and reader). (mostly stock Android,
>> rooted)
> Ah, that is why! When you have time (and hoping this is not too far
> off-topic for TLUG), I'd love to hear pros/cons/how-tos of rooting a
> Nexus 7.
howto is relatively very simple:

 get supersu package
 boot into recovery (CWM/TWM), may be even the default recovery
 push package via adb PC---USB_cable---->device (select the
appropriate menu on the device first)

Of course there are many hidden rocks, but I think you cannot brick
your device easily.

On the cons, I'll tell you when I get it back from Asus (they said 3
weeks!). I had a problem with the LTE SIM card slot - it suddenly
stopped recognizing the card. No amount of
resetting/wiping/flashing/(un)locking helped...
Tried the SIM on another device - worked.

>> On the other hand, my DoCoMo/Fujitsu smartphone has (physical) SD
>> card, but to insert/change/remove it you need to remove the battery -
> Yes, that is the downside. Just getting a phone/tablet that allows the
> SD card feels like something I should be grateful; asking for it to be
> easy to get to just feels greedy. ;-)
Users are free to ask.
Manufacturers are (it seems) free to ignore them.
Every train has its passengers (or, after a long time, line is closed
down), some people prefer bicycle.
These days I prefer to eat my own cooked food than at a conBini; but I
invested effort to learn how, and it takes time to cook.
(I am yet to modify my N7 to have a card slot, but I have it on the ToDo list)


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