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Re: [tlug] WiMax for mobile internet?

2013/1/24 Stuart Luppescu <>:
> On 木, 2013-01-24 at 08:41 +0900, Darren Cook wrote:
>> > Out of curiosity, why can't you just get it unlocked?
>> Ignorance! Is it possible to do it without damaging the phone, or
>> affecting the way it works with Softbank? (E.g. I'm happy to just
>> update the android version when told to, I don't want to think about
>> those details... perhaps I'm confusing that with root-ing the phone?
>> Are they separate things?)
> I unlocked my old Android phone very easily. It was just a matter of
> installing a program and running it. Of course, the phone had to be
> rooted to run the unlocker. It never affected anything I did with the
> phone, but it did enable me to sell the phone to a guy from India for
> more than I had bought it for when the contract was up.

Last time I checked - I had an old prepaid Softbank featurephone I was hoping
to use overseas - it was almost[*] impossible to get it unlocked
without the cooperation
of Softbank, who were not willing to cooperate. I don't know if things
have changed
since then (2009 IIRC).

Ian Barwick

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