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Re: [tlug] Testing Apache for gzip modules

Hi Dave.

Looking at one of my Centos 4 boxes (which should be the same as your
RHEL 4) mod_deflate (which replaces mod_gzip, if I've got this right,
so you can forget about mod_gzip) is already installed, and the
LoadModule line is already in httpd.conf.

I think that means that if your .htaccess works as intended, your
server should already be merrily gzipping away.

Like Pier says, you can confirm this with:
curl -D /dev/stderr -s --compressed > /dev/null

If this doesn't give you a line with "Content-Encoding: gzip", I'd
suggest removing your .htaccess for a second and going back to the
simpler stuff Pier suggested like:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html your httpd.conf, followed by
/etc/init.d/httpd reload
...and making sure that works, then troubleshooting your .htaccess from there.


Edmund Edgar
Founder, KK Social Minds
Educational Technology for the Web and Virtual Worlds
+81 090 3912 3380
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Second Life: Edmund Earp
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