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Re: [tlug] CentOS using default/blank? password postgres

Hung Nguyen Vu wrote:
My friend's CentOS 5.2 got hit by a scan and the bad guy was in.

Kenneth Burling wrote:
While, I make it a habbit never to say that the way to fix a problem is to install a different OS (you would be saddened by how many people have that answer in the various Linux forums and irc channels), CentOS is quite possibly the exception to that rule for me. :(

It is like Red Hat, but more stuborn and less stable.

It is Like Redhat Enterprise Linux RHEL (pronounced Red Hell). Not Fedora or any of the older consumer grade Redhat distributions. For what it is, a RHEL replacement, it does pretty well. They actually even include large parts of the RHEL documentation that is appropriately licensed. Being a RHEL clone most RHEL documentation and training will apply equally well to CentOS.

I found getting anything current to run on it required creating a
considerable number of packages, but it is possible.  It is also one of
the few distributions I have used to run SELinux in a production


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