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Re: [tlug] mlterm mojibake problem

Scott Robbins wrote:
Josh has a page on mlterm at (It might be on the wiki as

This can be a tricky, aggravating thing. I've never really come up with
a perfect solution. You might try rxvt-unicode which seems to do almost
everything mlterm can do and seems to be a little less prone to

There is a file $HOME/.mlterm/main as well.

Mine looks like

bg_color = gray scrollbar_mode = 0 fontsize = 18 fade_ratio = 75 borderless = true name = xterm

That fontsize 18 can often be a problem on various distros--on this
FreeBSD workstation it works well for me.

I discovered that 'setenv LANG ja_JP.UTF-8; mlterm' works, but then I discovered that SCIM isn't working. And in any case it seems a less than ideal solution.

I looked at rxvt-unicode and it works quite nicely. At this point, if I spend any more time on mlterm it's just 'cause I'm being stubborn, and I really don't have time for that, so I'm going with what works.

Thanks much!
Steve S.

I discovered finally that mlterm's site is on sourceforge. I'll ping them and Ubuntu and see if that goes anywhere.

Steve S.

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