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Re: [tlug] Efficiently executing a cron job on my webhosting server

Dave Gutteridge wrote:
Nguyen, Darren, Steven,

Thanks for responding.

I'd like for it to not send me anything except error notification. Is that possible?

It depends on what your control panel will allow you to do. Probably errors get sent to stderr so to loose that you would redirect stderr to /dev/null. This is easy to do from crontab, but I don't know your control panel.

Also, I think this may be related, I want to make sure the PHP script cleans
up after itself and doesn't use up any memory or create any temp files that
stick around after it's done. I have a vague notion that a PHP script might
allocate resources when it runs, but I'm not totally sure if it always does
no matter what.

tmp files for something like php probably get cleaned up except during error exits. I assumed you had a command line inerface. You could run 'du' to check disk usage periodically to watch disk usage.

How can I be sure that my PHP script won't eat up memory?
Unless something very strange happens, the OS recovers any memory allocated to the process when the process exits. You may need to keep an eye out for tmp files, but I doubt it will be a problem. There may be some log files PHP keeps, but I don't know.

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