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Re: [tlug] Linux Distro Choices [was Re: Denshi Jisho]

2007/6/22, Alain Hoang <>:

    Welcome to TLUG.  Glad to have you aboard!  Distro questions
are always a popular question.  Sort of like fashion questions
are always a popular one among uh.. fashionable people.  I'm
going to punt on a good answer and instead give you some a
terrible formula and lying statistics that you could
instead use to determine a distro to run.

Thanks, glad to be here.

That was a fair-and-balanced(tm) heuristic. Although I guess that the
-50 point rule  is mostly for show.

FWIW, I run Ubuntu

I'll assign a 3 to Ubuntu then, since Josh's reply has to be taken as a complaint.

Actually, I'll add a few more rules.

* -1 for extreme useage of orange everywhere
* -10 for cliché images of happy people on the project home page

So that makes -8 for Ubuntu. But they get brownie points for actually
making progress on the desktopization of Linux.

Kim Ahlström

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