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Re: [tlug] Why the shirts? Why TLUG?

a shortage of local people to fill the slots.  Training more people in
these special skills undermines the monetary value of our labor and
increases the possibility of being replaced by younger/cheaper
competition.  Keeping this in mind, it's not surprising that many on
the list are perfectly happy to have Linux remain a mysterious black
magic, for then they are more likely to be able to pay the rent and
buy food!


Mate pull your head in! Going off like a half baked backyard
sociologist/economist is going to get you no where.

To suggest that I'm here to suck money out of this country whilst
keeping the poor locals ignorant* is offensive to me and the "locals".

You are an offensive fool, and possibly a troll!

However I shall feed you some more. I know that some people on this
list actually work with Japanese and learn from THEM, and help teach
some of them on a daily basis.

I shall sign off here before I really let you know how I feel about
your rude offensive comments...

Regards, Keith

* Your posts suggest that the locals are poor and ignorant, I totally
and whole heartedly disagree with you on this point. Some of my
Japanese colleagues have been nothing short of brilliant. Others have
been incredibly incompetent. Not surprisingly the brilliance to
stupidity ratio in Japan appears to be roughly the same for all other
populations of humans I have interacted with. However you have sort of
screwed my result set for this list.

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