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Re: [tlug] Kernel headers not in kernel-headers directory?

On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 00:59:38 +0900, Dave M G <>

> The kernel defined by this directory of header files does not have
> the same address space size as your running kernel.
> And that's when I said:
> Huh?

Join the club!

It just so happens that I wanted to get vmware-player to boot a W98SE
setup for me today.

My kernel headers *are* in /usr/src/linux/include (because in /usr/src,
linux is a symlink to linux-`uname -r`), so what's this with the
"different address space size" thing?


G. Stewart -

Linux: the choice of a GNU generation
   -- ksh @ cis . ufl . edu put this on Tshirts in '93

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