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Re: [tlug] Linux Format magazine

Hi All,

my contribution. Didn't do a word count, though. It's a magazine article, not a book, so removed a few "the" "a" from it. Cheers.

Mark Sargent.

Tokyo Linux Users Group arose through the creative energies of a 
number of Japan's Internet pioneers. Recognizing Linux's significance, 
TLUG's beginning was on June 16, 1994, "Linux 
Conference on TWICS" (Japan's only public ISP at that time). 
Those pioneering early days were exciting and friendly, with everyone 
helping each other resolve issues while learning about Linux. September, 
the first official "TLUG" was held, followed by 
quarterly meetings.

Historically proud of participation by Tim O'Reilly and Eric S. 
Raymond (went on to translate his seminal "The Cathedral and the 
Bazaar"), socially proud of consuming vast amounts of beer, fiendishly 
proud of almost setting a Japanese beer-hall on fire, and technically 
proud of solving a vast array of problems, related to 
Linux/Open Source software!

TLUG, established itself as one of the foremost Internet resources 
for issues related to using Japanese on Linux/Unix, and 
is proud to count a number of field-leading figures as members, 
including: founder of the EDICT project, XEmacs Release Manager, 
founder of the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, prominent Perl 
hacker, salty NetBSD/XFree86 hacker, GNOME hacker, Gentoo Weekly Newsletter editor, Gentoo developer, and a legion of 
knowledgeable people, having lots of fun playing with Linux.

TLUG holds meetings every month, alternating between technical/drinking 
meetings. Membership (like love) costs nothing, and everyone is welcome, even if you are not in Tokyo/Japan--some of our most active mailing list members live overseas--so 
stop by anytime!

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