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Re: [tlug] stdin/stderr redirection under Solaris

Hi Jean
--- Jean-Christian Imbeault
<> wrote:

> Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> > I don't think any of the shells have syntax for
> sending different FDs
> > to different pipes;
> Bummer.
> > use the "y" program for that.  However, I don't
> > see a "y" program on Debian or an old Red Hat
> Linux.
> I couldn't find any mention on a y program doing a
> quick google search 
> and there doesn't seem to be one installed on my
> Solaris machine or a 
> newer install of RH.
> >  If you need two
> > "consoles", you could use something like
> > 
> > prog 1> tmp1 2> tmp2 &
> Thanks for that but what I really want is one
> process I can nohup. 
> Something like:
> $ nohup cmd 1| prog1 2|prog2 &
>  From what everyone has suggested it doesn't look
> like that is going to 
> be possible though.
> The best I've gotten is this recommendation from
> Steve Smith but it 
> doesn't seem to lend itself to being nohup'ed ...
> $(cmd | prog1) |& prog2

It is in the manual
 The nohup command accepts just one utility as	an
	  To apply nohup to a pipeline or list of commands,
enter the
	  pipeline or list in a	shell script file.  Then run
sh	as
	  utility using	the following format:

	  nohup	sh -c file


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