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Re: [tlug] RHCE vs LPI

> > But again, being a highly experienced Solaris
> admin carries far more
> > weight than what Sun certs you may have.
> That reminds me of a character we had on the
> mailing list
> not long ago. He was insisting that we tell him how
> to log in over telnet as
> root. When told that a) logging in as root when not
> physically at the
> console is a bad thing, and b) doing that over
> telnet where everything is
> sent in clear is even worse, the only thing we could
> get out of him
> thereafter was "I'm an experienced Solaris
> administrator and I don't need
> any lectures about security."

We actually hired a consultant that was
supposedly an expert on Windows/Linux etc 
Ooooooh when I saw him just trying Linux
GUI & reading out of the book on how to 
enter a user , I panicked and lo and
behold I was right !!
Although he admitted that he was mainly a
windows guy ..

There are guys that are Admins that shouldn`t
be Admins (whether Linux/Sun/Windows) .
My hobby is Linux but I don`t think that
I want to an admin(too much hassle)
I stick with my ordinary job ;-> and brush
up on my Linux

About certs  , I want to learn something extra
and unless I force myself or have a goal , I`ll
never do it ...that is just me !
Doubt if I put it on my resume as my main job is
not IT !!


PS: now back to Killing these Spammers fron tw/cn

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