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Re: [tlug] Restarting a dead DNS lookup

Quoth Stephen J. Turnbull (Tue 2004-04-20 12:46:43PM +0900):

> >>>>> "Josh" == Josh Glover <> writes:
>     Josh> Nasty!!! A caching nameserver daemon might be a good item
>     Josh> for performance reasons, but it sure as hell should not be
>     Josh> *required* for DNS lookups!
> AFAIK, it's not required.  If it's there it gets used---incorrectly.
> And of course in glibc it's always there after a certain version.

Right, that is the way nscd (or any nameserver in cache-only mode) is
*supposed* to work. But with this bug, nscd pretty much becomes a
dependency for name resolution.

>     Josh> Good 'ol Red Hat, their way or the highway, I guess. :(
> Not at all.  You'll notice that they've done what's best for the
> customers, and stopped pretending to support individuals, or even
> typical small businesses.
> Red Hat is still pretty low on the list of distros I'd install on a
> box I own, but as a business I like the way they're going, I think.
> If I'm ever in the "enterprise class", I'll give them a hard look.

Well, I must admit that I have never used Red Hat's enterprise-class
stuff, but back in my RH days, I think AS was more or less the same
as 7.3, just with hefty support. I found Gentoo much better in my
last sysadmin position, in that applying security patches across all
of my boxes was easier: just set up a Portage mirror and I could do
a cluster SSH[1] to bring them all up to date. Granted, I am sure I
could have gotten something to work for Red Hat, but it would have
been a little more labour-intensive. And who wants that? ;)



Josh Glover

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