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[tlug] namazu /apache & Japanese


PHP Version 4.3.2 (mbstring enabled)
Namazu  v2.0.10
Linux  2.4.20-8 

Hi All
I`m running mknmz & have got namazu running 

I run
mknmz -k -L=ja -O /xxx/index --indexing-lang=ja
--replace='s#/xx/#' ./cdocs/

I`ve a couple of problems
1. When I display Japanese Page for namazu 
   I need to always set in Netscape/Explorer
   (The Apache default Japanese page has no problem
     httpd.conf is set to DefaultLanguage ja_JP)

2. But when I enter 
    a. Japanese into "search"
      nothing found
    b. English into "search
       it is ok

Been looking into this for the pass few days &
still none the wiser 

any suggestions or pagaes that may help me


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