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Re: [tlug] How revolutionary is M2?

> Unless I am totally ignorant of the functions in many other mail
> clients, you may be missing one of the greatest things about M2.  M2
> has some really cool  and fast mail filtering functions in it.

I think you have put your finger on it.  In a way though, it is a little 
disorienting at first to see all various ways.  But more importantly, 
perhaps the reason I didn't mention them initially is that I wouldn't call 
the filters exactly reliable.  The filter that is to catch tlug as a 
mailing list stopped working and the only place I found the mail was in 
the spam folder.  It was easy enough to redirect it to a view but the 
place where the mail should appear is forever a reminder of its early 
stage of developement( using the latest final release 7.23).  Also, 
sometimes if I click the icon say twice accidentally to start opera (or my 
wife does in her impatience), and more than one instance of it starts, the 
filters tend to get very very corrupted and mail goes to the wrong 
directory and it when I tried to delete it from that directory, a 
different mail got deleted instead (of course since these mails are never 
really ever deleted AFAIK it would have just been a matter to open the 
store one by one to find the accidentally deleted one but it wasn't so 

I would therefore say "promising" is the word to use as opposed to 

  I am
> currently using M2 and would happily change to another mail client if
> it provides these types of functions, as M2 lacks a lot of other
> important mail features.

like spell checking, but that is coming.
printing is in a horrible state too.  We joke that emails to their list on 
this subject go to dev/null.

> So what are these functions?

<the following is abreviated from original>
> * Contacts: Clicks on a contact and see all the mails that you have
> received and  sent to that person. * Active threads: Is a nice feature 
> that shows you the last few
> conversations(threads) you have. * Searches: Keeps an active and up to 
> date view of your recent
> searches and the results you  have made.  * Attachments: Keeps and index 
> of mails you have received with certain
> types of attachments in it.

> Ultimately, what is great about M2 is the many ways it
> lets you view your mail.  My main gripes are that the text editor is
> horrible and the UI is not to my taste. I would recommend playing with
> it, just to see how nice the above functions are.

I agree!  Especially mozilla folks who may want to copy some more of 
Opera's niceness (as I recently notice they have for mouse-gestures), 
especially if they can impliment it in a more reliable way.  I look 
forward to the next release to see how and/or if these issues have been 

> If there are any
> current mail clients that support Japanese and do the above and work
> on Linux I would love to know!

Truly though, I do not know if I could ever use another client after 
getting used to M2.  Warts and all.


Happily using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

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