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Re: [tlug] RE: RE: getting back on track [ was RE: introductions ]

On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 12:00:52PM +0900, Alfred Rodriguez wrote:
> hhhmmm
> with all the thoughts flowing back and forth - i guess ill be narrowing my choices to only three
>   1. miracle linux - i need to run oracle
>   2. red hat - well, the distribution that i was most used to (7.1, 7.2, and 7.3)
>           + from what i have read somewhere, RedHat 9 is quite buggy though
>           + or maybe trying out Fedora
>   3. debian
> then it is reading, and lots of reading...

Until Jonathan writes something about it, in simple English.  He helped
me with it when I was playing with it, and it was really quite simple,
but like many things in Linux a nuisance finding something that said 
do a, then b, then c.  

Jonathan, something for you to do this weekend.  :)

Do it and I'll try Deb again.   


Scott Robbins

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