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Re: [tlug] Red Hat 9 (was: small redhat 9 review)

Quoth Charles Muller (Sat 2003-04-12 03:49:37PM +0900):

> I got my new RH9 installed, and so resolved some of the questions that I had
> about it.

I have not played with it yet, though doing so can be considered one of my
job responsibilities... ;)

> My feeling about this is that the decision to call this version 9 may well
> have had something to do with the competition from Mandrake, who have
> consistently numbered their versions one above RedHat, and I would not be
> surprised if they feared that newcomers might be affected by this in making
> their first choice of a Linux distro.

Your feeling may have some truth to it, but the party line for why the
version jumped up to 9 is that Red Hat does that whenever binary
compatibility is broken.

Josh Glover <>

Associate Systems Administrator

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