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Re: [tlug] Mail server with Linux

On Thursday 10 April 2003 21:27, Raymond Regalado wrote:

> their "from" headers mangled.  I can't elaborate but suffice it to say
> I'm still looking for that golden grail of a "properly" configured
> SMTP/POP3 server. 

If you can't elaborate, it's kind of hard to help you.

> 1)  Can anyone recommend a good book (preferably English) on how to
> build a mail server with Linux? 

What SMTP server are you running?  Sendmail? Postfix? Exim?  That
matters a lot - any docs you read or book you buy will be specific
to that server.  I would recommend Exim.  Others will recommend
Postfix.  Almost all will tell you that either is preferable to Sendmail, 
esp. if you're fairly new to *nix.

> 2)  Does anyone know if it's possible or advisable to try upgrading RHL
> 5.0 to 7.3, using the Linux install program (according to the

Possible?  Yes.  Advisable?  No.  I would assume that any box
running RH 5.0 today was owned and would do a scorched-earth
install.  Trust nothing, format everything.

You might also want to look into Debian.  Once you learn it,
it's a lot easier to admin than RH, IMO.  And it will correctly 
set up your mail server (defaults to Exim) as part of the install process :-)
If you have no Debian experience, I recommend getting someone who
does to do the install with you and show you the ropes.


Jonathan Q
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