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Re: [tlug] recommendations for a good pc shop in tokyo

Hi Josh,

On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 01:47, Josh Glover wrote:

> The nVidia drivers for Linux are shit. They were causing my Athlon box
> to segfault and lock up pretty often (like twice a week, which may be
> nothing for Windows users, but I *demand* uptime in the thousands of
> days! ;)

Is this your gentoo machine? My gentoo box is a dual Athlon
with a nVidia drivers, and I'm having no problems.

I used to have a Matrox at my former company (R.I.P.) and I
agree that it is sharper for text...but the monitor is different
too so I can't really compare.

But, even though I'm not much of a gamer, I'm glad I got the
GeForce because I have been enjoying games more now that I
feel the need to exercise my card...and I'm stoked for the 
Neverwinter Nights Linux client to come out so I can really
let it rip.  

> > > I will be leaving Japan around the end of September and
> >
> > Lucky bastard! ;)
> Are you kidding!? I would give my left, erm, nevermind, to go back to
> Japan! And you don't like it? Please, let's trade! You come here and
> be a BOFH for a Biotech company, and I will go to Japan and do
> whatever it is that you do. What say you? ;)

I have to say, while I still love living in Japan, I don't
really like working in Japan much recently, bad time to be a
techie. But, I don't expect that it's much better anywhere
else right now.


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