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Re: [tlug] unsubscribe

>>>>> "Ryan" == Ryan Shaw <> writes:

    Ryan> Like I said, hidden by default.

True, but so what?  Most modern automobiles do not have the operator's
manual pasted to the windshield where everyone could find it.  They
(by default) hide them in the glovebox (in one case, under the
passenger seat).

    Ryan> Maybe the solution is making subscribing equally hard or
    Ryan> harder than unsubscribing. Keep the lazy folk out at the
    Ryan> door.

No.  There are plenty of people who deserve some help in escaping the
AOL chat rooms.  They're not lazy, but they are used to an environment
which takes their money and bombards them with advertising, and in
return does its best to ensure they never have to look past the next
ad to find whatever facility they need.  Many of them will not be
happy on TLUG.  Good bye, IMHO---but that doesn't mean they aren't
nice, intelligent people I would love to meet in an appropriate

    Ryan> But I believe LUGs should be forces for advocacy, so as much
    Ryan> as I love techno-elitism, I couldn't really endorse such
    Ryan> behavior. It would be cool though...

I think TLUG's balance of hazing, drinking, and education is about
right, most of the time.  We tend to go overboard on the hard cases
which has the very unfortunate side effect of chasing out some people
who do contribute to and gain from TLUG.

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