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Re: [tlug] And they said it was Free?

Scott McLennan wrote:

> Yep. My point is imagine 'everyday at 9am they give away free doughnuts at
> the
> corner of  Shinjuku Park'. They do it non-stop for 5 years. Then one day you
> go down there and they bumped the price up to $5 a bag. Boy. You wouldnt
> be so happy would you..

But if they would give away doughnuts for free without wrapping at the next
corner which might taste somewhat different, which would you pick.

> If something called Linux is free then its like gimme gimmee.. So when it
> starts
> costing $'s and Yen's boy that's awful.


> Someone crys out from the background. "Hey! That aint fair! Yer told
> us it was for free!"....

You still don't get it.
Mandrake is going to stay free, you just have to pay for the extra. If you look
at RedHat, they are doing the same thing.
Charge $ for services. Sell boxed versions that have some nifty extras like
StarOffice or RealPlayer that isn't really free software.  But you can still
download readhat except that extension cd. Same with Mandrake.

> I do help out with Charity in
> other
> areas but...



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