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Re: boot error

>>>>> "roylo" == roylo  <> writes:

    roylo> I said boot disk not rescue disk.

>>>>> "Marcus" == Marcus O C Metzler <> writes:

    Marcus> It could also be that he forgot to include the correct
    Marcus> filesystem in the kernel.

>>>>> "archan" == archan  <> writes:

    archan> can u please tell us exactly what is ur HDD partitioning
    archan> scheme?  and exactly what problems are u facing?

C'mon guys, at least read the poor fellow's posts.

He told us what the partitioning scheme is: implicitly one partition,
formatted FAT16 (here, an alias for "scorched earth").

He told us what the problem is: the install CD-ROM won't boot, it
gives a crc error, probably before the kernel starts.

The boot disk stuff is irrelevant, because there is no Linux fs on the
hard drive yet.  I am surprised about the Slackware install CD and
install floppies not successfully booting, but we're waiting on error
messages from those failures.

Sure, he didn't tell us in that order, but all the information is

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