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Re: Offtopic, inappropriate jokes?

Just to throw in my two Yen.

I used to read this list, but left when it became yet another 'flame MS' forum.
Boring. Heard it before. 'What the hell', I thought, 'it's been a while and I
need some advice, so give I'll it another try'. Asked a question, got some good
answers. Great. Then my inbox filled up with the standard comments that the
Linux community is becoming unnecessarily famous for. Boring again! Amazing!

Chris, et al - Why don't you just create another list for those sheltered souls
who don't understand economics? Those people who just want to thrash around at
the state of the world, and froth at the mouth over a corporation doing what
corporations have always done and will always *do*, crap on the opposition to
make money. Bill Gates isn't evil. He's a capitalist. Certain people may think
that means he's evil. They are naive.

As an aside, the best filter system I've seen is on When they kick an
idiot, the idiot isn't told. So, s/he continues to post comments and rant and
rave and attempt to annoy people, but only *s/he* gets to see those postings.
Apparently sometimes they ramble on for months without noticing...


Internet - 06/08/2001 08:58 AM

Please respond to
To:   tlug


bcc:  Gavin WALKER

Subject:  Re: Offtopic, inappropriate jokes?

Mr. Sekiya,

Now you might kick me out of the list, but,, Mr. Sekiya ,,, what you have
here proves a lack in your intellectual capacities, and is clear evidence of
high-grade of inferiority complex.


"If it doesn't run Linux, forget it "

Christopher SEKIYA wrote:

> (this is the _last_ time that I will respond to this thread.  As Steve
> said, procmail rules)
> On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 06:51:29PM +0900, msdavid wrote:
> > Mr. Sekiya could you clarify those "words"?
> Certainly.
> You appear to have the impression that TLUG is a democracy.
> It is not.
> In fact, it is mostly anarchy -- apart from a few points that are run as
> an absolute dictatorship.
> The operation of the TLUG server is an example of the latter.  The nomikais
> are an example of the former.
> The operation of the mailing lists, however, fall into a grey area.  In the
> past there have been unpleasant incidents.  People have been asked to leave
> the list, people have been forcibly removed from the list.
> What is the criteria for removal?  Persisting in posting
> messages to the list, after being politely[1] asked to desist, qualifies.
> Typically, removal occurs after TLUG members complain to the listmaster.
> The listmaster attempts to determine whether the removal is warranted, and
> acts accordingly.
> In such cases, it is a good idea to _not_ have annoyed the listmaster.
> of the doubt and all that.
> I'm the listmaster, at least for the time being.  Hence the not-too-subtle
> warning.
> -- Chris
>         "The only box we've ever had owned was running OpenBSD." -- J. Byrne
> [1] I'm not referring to myself here -- others dropped hints.  They were
>     apparently disregarded.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Next Nomikai Meeting:    Fri, June 15 19:30-  Tengu Tokyo Eki-Mae
> Next Technical Meeting:  Sat, July 14 13:30-
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> more info:           Sponsor: Global Online Japan

Next Nomikai Meeting:    Fri, June 15 19:30-  Tengu Tokyo Eki-Mae
Next Technical Meeting:  Sat, July 14 13:30-
more info:           Sponsor: Global Online Japan


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