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RE: Linux and ADSL

On 24-May-2001 Scott Stone wrote:
> 2.4.x+iptables
> man iptables
> if you need an example script that I'm using for firewall/NAT on 5 statics,
> I can supply that.  Get the statics, pppoe is a bastard child that never
> should have been allowed to live.

This is true, but I found rp-pppoe ( to be very good and
easy to use. Here in the south side of Chicago the only choice for DSL is
Ameritech, the regional Bell operating company, which has a well-deserved
reputation for bad service. When I told them I use Linux they said they
couldn't provide service. I had to convince them I didn't need their so-called
``support.'' rp-pppoe worked with a minimum of futzing.
Stuart Luppescu         -=-=-  University of Chicago
$(B:MJ8$HCRF`H~$NIc(B        -=-=- for PGP Public Key
ICQ #21172047  AIM: psycho7070
Do not permit a woman to ask forgiveness, for that is only the first
step.  The second is justification of herself by accusation of you.
                -- DeGourmont
>> Sent on 24-May-2001 at 14:32:14 with xfmail

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