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RE: Linux and ADSL

oh I don't know, I pay $65/mo total, and I get 1544 down and 128 up, and 5
static IPs... seems like the only advantage you have is the faster upstream,
but you don't have any statics.. so.... without the statics, the extra
upstream doesn't do much good :)

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Takeshi Hakamata []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:17 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Linux and ADSL

Seems like ADSL services in Japan is better than in the US.
Currently, I pay $30/mo for Qwest(phone company) and $17/mo
for ISP. Bandwidth is 256K-640K down and 227K upstream, but
the actual download speed is around 40KB/sec. There is no
ISPs around here in NM which provide static IPs. Too bad.


On Thu, 24 May 2001, Scott Stone wrote:

> do you guys get static IPs on DSL in Japan?  You have to pay extra for
> here... currently PacBell will give you NO statics for $50/mo, or 5
> for $65/mo.. but you still have to pay about $180/mo to get more than 128k
> upstream.  bah.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Scott M. Stone <>
> Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
> Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

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