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Re: linux only with linux?

Hello Austin!
Thankyou very much for your support.
But anyway I want to do that. I don't worry if I will do that in a month, 6
month 1 year or 10 years, but I want to do that :)
I really like Linux and I would like to know only how can I start to do it
all by myself. I would like to documented it in every step so others can do
the same.

I don't like to install a distribution and after that I don't know how can I
use all that software and I don't know what all that software does. I'm sure
that maybe the 40% or more of all the software that I had installed I won't
use it. I know that there are a lot of documentation but I prefer to start
from the begining.

So please if you or someone else can tell me the first step I will continue
by myself.

Thanks in advance.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Austin Kurahone" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: linux only with linux?

On Sat, Mar 03, 2001 at 11:43:13PM +0900, Viktor Pavlenko wrote:
> >>>>> "AK" == Austin Kurahone <> writes:
>     AK> On Sat, Mar 03, 2001 at 03:31:49PM +0100, pietro zuco wrote:
>     >> So if someone can, illuminate me please!
>     AK> Don't.  You'll be much happier.  Bootstrapping Linux is a
>     AK> painful expereince that should be avoided at all costs.
> Well why? Austine, illuminate us! Maybe it's the best way to learn
If you mean, learning more than you ever wanted to know about how a UNIX
system fits together, then yes, it is the best way that I've found to learn.

However that being said.
a) It's a largely unducumented process.  Or was, now there's Linux From
and a few other things that will let you cookbook your way through the
Figuring stuff out for yourself is a lot more educational but can be far

b) Even with documentation, a lot of the process is still convoluted.
up late into the night trying to figure out why g++ broke mysteriously or
compile is not a fun experience to most[1].

c) Once you do this, maintaining it is a constant expereince.  You can't
just go
and grab the latest RPMs/apt-get your way to happyness, you need to do it
by hand.  Not that this is a bad thing, but it might be too time consuming/
whatever for some.

c) NetBSD.

That being said, it is very educational.  Just something I wouldn't recoment

Austin K. Kurahone
Tokyo Linux Users Group / SIGUSR1 R&D
Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
"One must still have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing
star!" --Nietzshe

[1]:Gcc refuses to build unpatched with glibc-2.2.  Patches are available
from naturally.

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