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Re: "Debian" starts with "D" (was Re: Three questions

"Stephen J. Turnbull" wrote:

>  Worse, they regularly overwrite existing files in /etc.  Again, they have
> tools, which are regularly polished up, to check for such
> misdemeanors, but use is not enforced.

It is terribly annoying that every time I do apt-get upgrade and there is a
new modutils package, it renames my old modules.conf and replaces it with its
own default. Then suddenly my system starts behaving wierd and syslogd floods
all kinds of error messages.
Deb is claimed to be superior to rpm. I don't see why. It is pretty
convenient when it actually asks for confirmation about overwriting config
files (though in these cases everyone choses the default), but not with the
modutils package.
At least when rpm makes changes to /etc it places its default config files as
cfgfile.rpmnew or similar without touching the original.
As i'm a debian newbie I might see things incorrectly, but I wouldn't
advocate deb package management being superior to rpm, clearly it is not,
even if the possiblity is there.


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