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Re: Next question...

Jim Breen wrote:

>  I had originally set it to DHCP,
> and during bootup it hung for a while and failed that interface before
> going on and completing.

> Next boot, it whipped past the Ethernet set up with an "[OK]", and
> stopped short at the PCMCIA configuration, where it proceeded to hang...
> forever.
> I have patched around it by changing the PCMCIA service to manual start
> but it would be nice to have it working. Has anyone got a suggestion as
> to what is happening and how to get around it?

I've had this problem with an older mandrake distro. I don't know if the
problem was kernel related or not, but it wouldn't hurt to get the latest
dhcpcd package and kernel 2.4 (for your USB stuff)


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