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Re: Tokyu CATV (was Re: Metallic DSL in Tokyo)

I notice there has been a lot of discussion about ISP's  in Japan.
Is this being compiled into a FAQ? If so, where can I find it please?

Thomas O'Dowd wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 12:13:16AM +0900, Alberto Tomita wrote:
> > At 15:30 00/10/25 +0100, you wrote:
> > >While I'm doing FAQish things, does anyone have any experience of cable
> > >modem companies, specifically Tokyu Cable?
> >
> > Tokyu Cable
> >
> > They use some sort of IP masquerading so that hosts inside their
> > net can not be seeing from outside. UDP packets are blocked at
> > the gateway. IP addresses assigned by DHCP are in the private
> > address space. Their own Internet connection is provided by IIJ
> > through a 100Mbps link. Internally, they have a 622Mbps ATM
> > backbone connecting their 6 re-broadcasting stations. Bandwidth
> > from these stations to the cable modem is said to be 14.3Mbps
> > (the cable modem rental fee is included in the service, 5200 yen
> > per month, or 7000 yen/month for the Internet+CATV service --
> > CATV alone is 3800 yen/month). The cable modem brand is "Terayon"
> >
> > A hub can be connected to it, allowing more than one computer
> > to be on the net (they all get their IP addresses by DHCP).
> I heard that if you use cable internet, you share part of a subnet
> with other hosts in the same area and that it was possible for the
> other hosts to sniff packets etc. Is this true? I'm wondering if
> Tokyu Cable offers some way of downloading your mail securely with
> out others sniffing the pop user/pass. I guess you also need to
> firewall your machine from those local users too.
> Thanks,
> Tom.
> --
> Thomas O'Dowd                   Have you had your noop today?
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> Next Nomikai (and Bonenkai!): December 15 (Fri)
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