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Re: Ordering Books from Amazon

Antony Stace ( wrote:

> I need to get a few computer books and was wondering if anyone here
> ordered books from Amazon to get delivered to Tokyo?  I want to know if
> the times the quote for delivery are correct.  Can anyone recommend any
> other online book stores.

Amazon's delivery times have always been as-advertised, in my
experience.  Another good one for tech books  Amazon
has a better website, so you can do your research there, then 
order from Fatbrain if they're cheaper :-)  (Sometimes they
are, sometimes they aren't).  

Another option is to use Skysoft books: and click the English link.

They sell at U.S. cover price + consumption tax, with free
shipping to your nearest Bunkyodo or Asahiya bookstore (you pick
up the shipment there).  If there's one near your office or home,
this can be convenient and money-saving.  I've ordered from them
a couple times and was happy with them.  

Jonathan Byrne					    Engineering Division
Exodus Communications K.K.                
Tel:  +81 3-5334-1700   Fax: +81 3-5334-1702        Direct: +81 3-5334-1756

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